Cyber and Computer Crimes

With growing participation on social media and nearly unlimited access to the Internet, cyber, and computer crimes are on the rise.

Unmarried But Living Together?

  Cohabitating couples do not have the same rights and protections as married couples. Married couples own property differently than cohabitating couples. (Sidebar: There is no common law marriage in New York, and no matter how many years you live with your significant other, it will not change your marital status.) Many of my clients […]

Calling All Millennials: It’s Time to Create a Will

Why millennials need an estate plan Young people often have a false sense of security that they do not need a will. Due to this, an estimated 78% of millennials do not have wills, which isn’t surprising when about 60% of all Americans do not have an end-of-life plan. It is crucial to have an […]