Injured by a Motor Vehicle While Riding a Bicycle

Although riding a bicycle should be an enjoyable experience, if a collision occurs between a bicyclist and a motor vehicle, it can rapidly become a tragic or fatal event. While the structure of a motor vehicle is designed to guard individuals when in a collision, a bicyclist lacks similar protection. The difference in size between […]

The Benefits of Stand-up MRI: From a Personal Injury Perspective

            After accidents that require any form of hospital care, physicians will perform diagnostic tests in order to identify the main source of your pain and to define the extent of your injuries. In order to do so, healthcare providers frequently utilize Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans (MRI) to view the structures inside your body without […]

What to do After a Fatal Accident

With car crashes on the rise each year it is important to realize that motor vehicle accidents, to any degree, require elaborate care. Fatal accident lawsuits are involved and can be complicated for loved ones to handle. By definition, a fatal car crash involves a person who dies within 30 days of a crash on […]

Injured on Another’s Property: Premises Liability Basics

If you’re injured while on another person’s property, and your injures are caused by the landowner’s negligence, you may be able to sue for your injuries.  Property owners are legally responsible for the safety of their property, ensuring that it is free from hazardous defects and unsafe conditions. Property owners include private/residential properties, public properties, […]

Are You Adequately Insured By Your Car Insurance Policy?

Are you adequately insured by your car insurance policy? What does your car insurance cover? Car insurance is a requirement in New York; if you own or drive a vehicle, that vehicle must be insured. (Sidebar: operating a vehicle that does not have insurance coverage can land you a ticket with a penalty of 15 […]